Preorders Now Open!

Applications are currently opened until May 1st!
(note that this section will be updated frequently)
What is the theme of this zine?
The theme of this zine is about the characters of Sk8 The infinity through all four seasons! Fall, winter, spring, and summer.
Are minors allowed to contribute?
Yes! This zine will be 100% SFW, so minors are allowed. Though applicants should be at least 13+ to contribute!
Will there be ships?
This zine will be mainly platonic and focus on the dynamics of the characters. But implied relationships or crushes are allowed to be shown so yes! Though, we ask that pairings are kept legal.
(No minor/adult, pedophilia, and incest ships will be allowed or tolerated).
What are the requirements for applications?
We're seeking sk8 fandom members who are respectful, professional, and passionate about the show to create gen (meaning the focus is on the characters, not ships), SFW content around the theme "change over the seasons". Anyone can apply, regardless of previous experience, but writers and artists will need at least one sk8 piece to apply with, and a total of three pieces for submission (the other two can be any fandom!). Merch artists do not need a sk8 piece but it is highly recommended to include it in applications. Applications will also ask for a tentative "pitch": an idea of what you'd like to create for the zine, in line with our theme. This is required, but flexible and open to change over time.
How are applications evaluated?
There are a variety of factors taken into consideration. The mod team will consider every application and their pitch, as well as work quality and preference for season (so that we have an even number of creators across all four seasons). Since this is a gen, SFW zine, pitches that heavily emphasize ships or NSFW content will be rejected. We recommend that you focus on the relationship between your character(s) of choice and the season you'd like to see them in. Writers should have a strong sense of setting to incorporate the sensory details that come with seasonal changes, and artists should incorporate color and lighting, as well as backgrounds more complex than flat color, to show off their landscape skills.
What about payment?
The profits will be split 50-50 across a chosen charity (Stop Asian Hate, https://stopaapihate.org/) and contributors. Minors cannot be financially compensated, and their portion will be donated to the charity in question.
How will contributors be compensated?
All contributors will receive a free physical zine and a copy of the merch they designed as compensation. If our funds allow it, we aim to compensate all contributors with a full bundle for free. If sales go well, contributors aged 18 and over may choose to receive monetary compensation or donate their portion to charity.
Meet The Mods
For more information regarding exactly what each mod is in charge of, please select "Mod Descriptions" directly below!

Mads / Adult
Social Media Mod
Hello! I’m Mads and I’ll be your social media mod. I’m a college student studying art history, but when I’m not in class I’m probably buying manga, working on a new ita bag, or writing fanfic.
I also have a cat named Rainier, that felt important to note. My favorite Sk8 character is our favorite blue haired Canadian, Langa!
I am a mod on both the Sk8 the Infinity subreddit and the discord. I’ve already met some incredible people through Sk8 the Infinity so I’m excited to work hard to meet more of y’all and promote this incredible zine!

Bella / Adult
Graphics Mod

Vince / Adult
Finance Mod
Hello I'm Vince! Aside from sound design and art, in my free time I sleep and dream about speed driving, but after watching Sk8 the infinity my next dreams might be about speed skating haha.
I'm currently the finance and production mod for a few projects including the MiyuSawa Battery zine and Dabi Tarot! I also have experience in managing finances and production for school-based and personal charity enterprises.
May this awesome project fill everyone with determination!

Sam / Adult
Shipping Mod
Hiya! I'm Samantha/Sam! Super excited to join this awesome team! Super stoked to see one of my favourite themes pair up with one of my favourite fandoms! I cannot wait to see what our amazing contributors create!

Notte / Adult
Beta Mod
Hey! I'm Notte. I don't have a lot of free time as a pre-med student, but in what little time I do have, I read (a lot) and write fanfiction, original fiction, and sometimes poetry.
I also like to bake and cook as much as possible, teach kids how to dance, and sometimes hike if my sister manages to drag me out of bed early enough. My favorite character is Miya!
I've never worked on a zine before (and I'm really excited for this to be my first!) but I've moderated several servers and prompt months over the last two years so I have experience resolving conflicts and communicating effectively, and I understand very well how tight deadlines can run. I've also been beta reading for over a decade now.
I can't wait to work with y'all and make this event as successful as possible: your work deserves nothing less :D